Mobile Interface Features Update

Dec 26, 2022 | Blogs

2023 The project has progressed significantly since we last discussed the mobile interface in our last post entitled Mobile Interfaces , which explains the basics of this phase of the project and its components. For the First responders to get all the information they need and in turn, to send information to the Command-and-Control (C2) operators, Mobile and Augmented Reality Interfaces are essential to the team on the ground.

As responsible for the Mobile Interface (MI), Enide leads the development of a tool focused on the user experience (UX) to help first responders to access real-time information about the environment (from drone cameras, team members’ health status, position, and tracking, etc) and give them all the information needed to enhance their performance at an emergency.

Today we want to give you an update about the development and demo phase, which was demonstrated for the first-time last November during the Mid Term Demonstration with partners in Ankara, Turkey.

MI Features

AI platform acts as an integration layer between the sensors and the Mobile and AR interfaces. So far, the most notable features of the TeamAware Mobile Interface are:

  • Login integration with SSCN (Secure and Standardised Communication Network)

  • Map positioning of information extracted from the perception systems

  • Sensor information listed with basic details

  • Audio Notes Feature

  • Icons & Operational Codes selection

  • Audio Recording tool

Not only can first responders receive information, but they can interact with the control centre by sending voice notes, or by interacting in choosing specific tags according to the situation being addressed.

Mobile Interface Demo and next steps

During the Interim Demonstration in Ankara, the partners did several demonstrations in which they tested the state of development and its functionality, its suitability, recommended adjustments to be made and discussed the challenges and next steps for the next phase of the project.

The display of alerts depends on the type of emergency

Enide demonstrated MI, where attendees had the possibility to download it on their mobile phones, to experience first-hand the user experience so far. Throughout the presentation, it was concluded that the biggest challenge ahead is the integration of the systems that provide the information, as it is important to prioritise it and show it to the first responders.

During integration, one of the issues to consider is the display of real-time notifications, as well as the functionality of the platform in places or situations with limited internet connection. This phase will be implemented during 2023.

David Quesada

Technical Director CTO & Co-Owner

Degree in Computer engineering. Focused on innovation for CCAM, mobility, logistics and agri-food sectors for the last 15 years, having a lead role in several R&D projects as H2020 TeamAware (Integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders); H2020 DIGITBrain (Easy access to Digital Twins for SMEs); H2020 5G-Routes (5th Generation connected and automated mobility cross-border EU trials); H2020 INFRAMIX (Automated driving); H2020 Clusters 2.0 (Logistics); and others. Before founding ENIDE, he had lead roles in the building of complex IT systems for the Athens 2004, Torino 2006, and Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Ignacio López

Senior developer specialized in Python and C+

He currently works at Enide as a Software architect and Senior developer in the TeamAware, 5GRoutes and DIGITBrain projects. He began working in CTAG at 2013, developing different projects like, PSA Peugeot Citroën autonomous driving program (MobiLAB), and European smart roads/cities (SISCOGA/Co2perautos2/Compass4D). He also was part of the modernization of systems and infrastructures in Barcelona transport (T-Mobilitat) team at INDRA. Other projects that he worked on include the development of an EV onboard charger at Ficosa for the Mercedes-Daimler group and a facial recognition application for UOC (Universidad Oberta de Barcelona)

Armand Carreras

Junior Full-Stack Developer

Credits in Computer engineering (UPC), Bootcamps in Front & BackEnd Development. Focused on HUM@N, Logicon and TeamAware Projects. Before working for ENIDE, he had worked for Linucleus as UI/UX designer.


Monica Florea
Administrative Coordinator

European Projects Department
Soseaua Bucuresti-Ploiesti 73-81 COM


Çağlar Akman
Technical Coordinator

Command and Control Systems
Eskişehir Yolu 7 km


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101019808.

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